1st KINGS cartoons - It is interesting to see the body of the Kings of Israel, and give them a simple thumbs up or thumbs down according to the author of 1st and 2nd Kings. It is NOT a good report card.
Saul 1st King, GOOD start, EVIL End - 1 Sam 8-31 ; David, GOOD - 1 Sam 16-31, 2 Sam 1-24, 1 Ki 1-2 ;
Ahab, EVIL (Israel) 1 Ki 17-22, and the stories of Elijah - Elijah Cartoons
Solomon, GOOD Start, EVIL End - 1 Ki 1-11 ;
Rehoboam (Judah) Jeroboam 1 (Israel) both EVIL - 1 Ki 2,14 ; Abijah (Judah) Nadab (Israel) both EVIL - 1 Ki 15 ;
Asa, GOOD (Judah) 1 Ki 15); Nadab, Baasha, Elah, Zimri, Omri all EVIL (Israel) 1 Ki 15-16
Jehoshaphat, Judah (GOOD ), 1 Ki 22 ; Ahaziah, Israel (EVIL ) 1 Ki 22, 2 Ki 1 ;
2nd KINGS cartoons
Elijah fights against King Ahaziah, then leaves on a Chariot of Fire 2 Ki 2,
Elijah is replaced as prophet by Elisha, and Jezebel dies, 2 Ki 9
Next we have...
Kings of Judah Jehoram, 2 Ki 8, Ahaziah, 2 Ki 8-9, and mother Athaliah 2 Ki 11 (all EVIL all day) all the time ; Amaziah started (GOOD ) ended (EVIL ) 2 Ki 14, Uzziah (GOOD ) but ended (EVIL ) 2 Ki 15 ; Jotham (GOOD ) 2 Ki 15, Ahaz (EVIL ) 2 Ki 16; Hezekiah (GOOD ) 2 Ki 18-20 , Manasseh (EVIL ) then (GOOD ) 2 Ki 21, Amon (EVIL ) 2 Ki 21, Josiah (GOOD ) 2 Ki 22-23, Jehoahaz (EVIL ) 2 Ki 23, Jehoiakim (EVIL ) 2 Ki 23-24; Jehoiachin (EVIL ) 2 Ki 24-25, Zedekiah (EVIL ) 2 Ki 24-25
All while...
Kings of Israel Joram (EVIL ) 2 Ki 3 ; Jehu started (EVIL ) ended (GOOD ) 2 Ki 9-10 : Jehoahaz return to team (EVIL ) 2 Ki 13 ; Jehoash (EVIL ) 2 Ki 13-14 ; Jeroboam II (EVIL ) 2 Ki 14, Zechariah, Shallum, Menahem, Pekahiah, and Peksh all on team (EVIL ) 2 Ki 15 , Hoshea (EVIL ) 2 Ki 17