HEAVEN cartoons - Welcome to my little slice of Heaven where the Angels, donning halos and white robes, and there are lots of fluffy white clouds, and a big old Pearly Gate to keep the riff-raff out without nary a border-control problem.
The Back Pew PEARLY GATES cartoons feature that point of entry where, like it or not, there is a vetting process and only one way in. Of course, this is obviously a cartoon version of the entry process. Know that entry to Heaven is based on a life lived for God. It is not based on church membership or attendance or a passing score of 70% on theology and church history. If you don’t agree with me… just consider the thief on the cross, who simply asked Jesus to “remember me” moments before his death on the cross. Jesus replied “Today you will be with me in paradise.”
Now any good Heaven cartoons will share LIFE amongst the CLOUDS, will include the population donning white robe uniforms complete with a halo. I believe the reality of Heaven will be much different but the medium of cartoons is not sufficient to capture our glorious eternal home, Heaven.
Heaven is better because of the wrath of God. - Louie Giglio
Finally, the sobering truth about Heaven is we will not all go there some day. We have a choice, to follow God in words and deeds, or follow our own ways. Following our own ways, is easy but not the right way. We owe our existence to God and we need to realize this instead of being caught up in ways of this world and the ways that are selfish. Our praise, and love is owed to God alone. So I pray we resist the road that is wide and easy, but instead choose the better way that leads us to Heaven for eternity.