Gospel Cartoons - Young Jesus thru Early Ministry
JESUS at the Temple... HOME ALONE?
Early stories of Jesus life where as a child he was left regretfully HOME ALONE in the Temple not to be discovered missing after a day on the road back home.
This all while Jesus was playing the Temple version of “SO, YOU THINK YOU’RE SMARTER THAN A 7TH GRADER?”
JOHN THE BAPTIST Cartoons: Then a number of years later the stories of John the Baptist are recorded. He came before Jesus to make way for the coming Messiah. He warned of the crooked road, and trash talked the Religious leaders calling them “a Brood of Vipers.” ZING!
Next, it is recorded that Jesus arrived, having John the Baptist baptize Jesus, and a voice from Heaven spoke, and a dove descended like the Spirit of God, much to the dismay of other birds who would have died for the honor of doing a little descending.
The Temptation of Jesus
by Satan after fasting for 40 days is recorded. Score one for Jesus.
Jesus offers LIVING WATER to the Samaritan Woman at the Well whose spirit was parched.
In Luke 10:19 Jesus Casts out one really nasty Evil Spirit
and in Mark 2:22 spiritual lessons are shared using the problem of using Old Wineskins to hold New Wine
And Jesus’ first miracle… is turning water into wine for a wedding feast. While the host was impressed, there were sceptics, and a few would-be imitators as seen in a few posted cartoons.
He must become greater; I must become less. John 3:30
Nicodemus meets Jesus at Night, learning he must be BORN AGAIN! John 3:16. Of course, this was to be born again spiritually, not physically, as that would be a world of HURT.