DATING cartoons - when he/she was still wonderful

MARRIAGE cartoons - the TIL DEATH DO US PART... part

Next thing you know the simple phrase “I DO” is spoken, and the preacher follows that pledge of love with those chilling words “TIL DEATH DO US PART.”. Oh sure, it’s all fun and games and kisses and hugs until they say the ‘death do us part’… part is spoken, and the next thing you are worried about is ending up on an episode of Dateline. Or as my wife likes to call it “How to poison your husband with antifreeze and get away with it. Kidding of course, as marriage is designed to be a beautiful complement of the husband and wife that cannot be matched in any relationship.


Those of us who are married can remember back to a time when he/she was still wonderful. Almost perfect in every way. This time, if it existed, was when we were still dating.

ahhh remembering those days long ago.

Marriage cartoons from the Bible since the Garden were no easier to figure out than they are today. While marriage is wonderful, the mystery between husbands and their wives has existed since Adam gave up a rib and said yes to Eve, since he was not using that rib anyway. Then you have those awkward moments where Abraham tried to literally pawn off his wife Sarah as his sister. Then a few years later he sleeps with Hagar, Sarah’s servant, to give him a son. Go figure… let’s just say it was complicated. Then we have Jacob marrying sisters Leah and Rachel, who have a baby-making contest with Jacob as the STUD. Later on there were unique moments between Moses and Mrs. Moses. Solomon had 700 wives, I guess thinking marriage is a really, really, really good thing. There were also bad marriages like King Ahab and Jezebel. So many more to share so little time.