SALVATION & EVANGELISM cartoons because Jesus commanded it, as seen in the Great Commission, and it is essential for sharing the message of salvation with others. Ok Jesus did not command us to cartoon the evangelism message, but hey… it’s what I do. Additionally, evangelism reflects love for the lost and the urgency of helping others avoid the reality of hell.
Think about it. If there is a Heaven and one way to Heaven, as taught in the Bible, then what greater message should we share?
Cartoons sharing the good news of Jesus Christ to communicate the message of salvation and love that He offers to everyone. Back Pew evangelism cartoons to emphasize the importance of faith and the hope found in the gospel.
As believers we all (even those who cartoon) must share the Good News. Of course this is illustrated here in the Back Pew with Red Necks, paper boys, grandmas, and mobster types sharing the offer of salvation from God that you should not refuse.
Are you Ready? This is the question we all should be ready to answer. Not only do we do it for eternity's sake, which is a long time, but it also promises a better life now. Here in the Back Pew, I do cartoons where the unknown of Jesus' return is real and the danger of a lukewarm coffee-like commitment to God. AND… if you want to find God, if you want to know God, know this… THERE IS ONLY ONE GOD. It is a myth to say all religions are the same. While all religions claim to be correct, there cannot be many truths when they all claim to be the way.
It is sooo important to pursue truth, and in doing so you will find the Christian Bible is accurate, and the message of the Gospel is valid and so realize… God loved the world so much that He gave His only son, and whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16