BAPTISM cartoons
Sprinkled, immersed, dunked, rinse cycled, 'sprayed', and/or cannon-balled all in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Baptism is a Christian sacrament of initiation that symbolizes a person's commitment to their faith and acceptance of Jesus Christ. It is often seen as a way to publicly declare one's beliefs and to be welcomed into the Christian community.

Here in the Back Pew, our baptism cartoons demonstrate a wide range of ways to be baptized, from ice fishing holes in Minnesota to belly Flops, Cliff Diving, laundromat washing machines, surfing, and driving through a car wash. If there is water and your heart is in the right place, The Back Pew would like to Baptize you, too.

Other fringe topics for Back Pew Baptists are… Cat Baptisms, and Baptisms for Fish who are afraid of getting water up their nose. And let’s not forget the Baptisms that end up on Dateline as it was suspected the Pastor’s long Baptismal Prayer was suspected as contributing to MURDER.

I believe every Christian should consider being baptized. I was baptized when I was 14, and have considered doing it again.

I know many believe in infant Baptism which I am not opposed to as long as it is considered a form of baby dedication as a public statement of the parents to raise their child in the church and to lead them in the Christian Faith where someday that child will make their own personal commitment to Jesus Christ, and then someday be Baptized as an adult as an outward statement of their faith in Jesus.

BAPTISM cartoons in the Bible. Well, the only baptizer I can recall was John the Baptist, who technically was non-denominational. He even baptized Jesus. The other Bible Baptism Story I recall is Philip baptizing the Ethiopian Eunuch.