PREACHER cartoons & PASTOR cartoons - Preacher Creatures from the Back Pew! (like a B horror movie)
SERMONS & Pulpit Stylings are as varied as worship styles. From the Pentecostal, to the Baptist, from the seeker-friendly to the Hell Fire preacher, cartoons are shared often using scriptures as needed. We have your name, claim it types, your faith healers, and many more, and of course, the prosperity Gospel folk. Just sit back in The Back Pew and listen to a sermon or two.
ONE WAY TO HEAVEN - And if you are attending a Christian church, the Gospel better be preached, and in the Back Pew an altar call could be techy as a QR Code, a sermon blog, or object lessons to snowmen, from Santa, or even a SHARK.
OTHER PREACHER FOLK - In the Back Pew there are other misc. Preacher types. In Wisconsin we have Cheese-us, preachers from the cosmos, Joel Osteen impersonators, and robotic preachers from spare garage parts and an etch-a-sketch.
MISC. PREACHER MOMENTS are a big part of The Back preacher cartoons. Faith healers, gamers, preachers using performance-enhancing injections. Preacher poker nights, and the oxymoron of there being a skinny Baptist preacher
REDNECK & Rural Preachers - In the Back Pew you must include what I would call Red-Neck /Rural preachers sharing God’s word in their own way and sense of Preacher fashion and country flair. In Wisconsin they may even don a Cheesehead.
MILLSTONE Preachers - and finally in The Back Pew there must be a warning about those who preach a false gospel, and are found with a millstone around their necks.
PROGRESSIVE - deconstructing/destructing, emerging/submerging?, woke, egalitarian, feminized, big EVA, SJW churches.. - another gospel. These are preacher cartoons and moments that must be included in any ‘important’ collection of church cartoons.