PREACHER cartoons & PASTOR cartoons - ​Preacher Creatures from the Back Pew!   (like a B horror movie)

SERMONS & Pulpit Stylings are as varied as worship styles. From the Pentecostal, to the Baptist, from the seeker-friendly to the Hell Fire preacher, cartoons are shared often using scriptures as needed. We have your name, claim it types, your faith healers, and many more, and of course, the prosperity Gospel folk. Just sit back in The Back Pew and listen to a sermon or two.

Cartoon of a hillbilly preacher with a bushy beard, missing teeth, wearing overalls and a green-striped tie, pointing. Text reads: 'So Jesus-SEZ IZ-U..O.. IZ-U AINT MA-SHEEP?' with 'Hillybilly Preacher' title.

ONE WAY TO HEAVEN - And if you are attending a Christian church, the Gospel better be preached, and in the Back Pew an altar call could be techy as a QR Code, a sermon blog, or object lessons to snowmen, from Santa, or even a SHARK.

Cartoon of a preacher at a pulpit with a QR code, text asks to scan the code to accept Jesus.

OTHER PREACHER FOLK - In the Back Pew there are other misc. Preacher types. In Wisconsin we have Cheese-us, preachers from the cosmos, Joel Osteen impersonators, and robotic preachers from spare garage parts and an etch-a-sketch.

Cartoon of a man wearing a cheese hat and green jersey, holding up a peace sign. Text: "Blessed be the cheesemakers for they shall have nachos! If the name of your leader is Cheese-us! you may belong to a cult in Wisconsin."
Cartoon of a patient confusing an anesthesiologist for a pastor during surgery, with humorous text about the mix-up.

MISC. PREACHER MOMENTS are a big part of The Back preacher cartoons. Faith healers, gamers, preachers using performance-enhancing injections. Preacher poker nights, and the oxymoron of there being a skinny Baptist preacher

Cartoon of a pastor at a church potluck with the caption 'Oxymoron - A Skinny Baptist Preacher at a Church Potluck' showing surprised expression, surrounded by food.
Cartoon of clergymen playing poker around a table, with a Bible verse from Proverbs 13:11 on wealth and a humorous caption about investing church offerings. One character comments "Spoken like a preacher with no chips!"
Cartoon with a man holding a pencil and open book at a desk, with humorous text questioning modern traits about God like being a democratic socialist, having a farmer's tan, binge-watching Netflix, and creating Adam and Eve as non-binary. Includes Red Bull cans and Bible verse Proverbs 26:12 at the bottom.
Cartoon character standing behind a large millstone with Bible verses engraved, surrounded by falling money. The text reads "Ya gotsta GIVE ta GET," "GLORY of the LORD shall fall upon your BANK ACCOUNT," and "THE PROSPERITY GOSPEL MILLSTONE" with biblical references beneath. Payment options listed like cash, wire transfer, PayPal, Venmo. Artwork by J. Larson from The Back Pew.

REDNECK & Rural Preachers - In the Back Pew you must include what I would call Red-Neck /Rural preachers sharing God’s word in their own way and sense of Preacher fashion and country flair. In Wisconsin they may even don a Cheesehead.

Cartoon of a preacher at a pulpit with humorous text about loving Jesus and Moonshine Methodist.
Cartoon snowman sermon "Repent, Spring is coming"
Cartoon of a person wearing a laptop harness. Text humorously describes a "Walktop-Laptop" with features like Stainglass Windows OS and 64 Bible versions. Caption reads, "The perfect gift for the pastor who is a techy-geek."
Cartoon alien with Bible humorously reacts to Mark 16:15 Great Commission.
Cartoon depicting a pastor with text "Peace Be Still.. and watch your step." The pastor is called "Pastor Phil" with a subtitle describing him as a shepherd at People’s Presbyterian, but referred to as "Benevolent Dictator."
Cartoon depicting a faith healer in a white shirt and red tie pressing his hand on a man's forehead, causing a "WHOMP!" impact. The text reads "Be ye HEALED.. Y'all!" Below is a humorous caption about healing flatulence but causing neck injury.

MILLSTONE Preachers - and finally in The Back Pew there must be a warning about those who preach a false gospel, and are found with a millstone around their necks.

Cartoon of a preacher holding a Bible and speaking about Jesus fixing a broken heart. Text reads: 'Rev. Earnest Mulberry delivers his Redneck "Come to Jesus" moment.'
Cartoon of a bearded man in heart-print boxers sitting at a computer desk, typing on a keyboard. He is facing a monitor with the text "and may the Lord bless Ya-all real good!" Above and below the image is text identifying him as "Cyber Pastor Clyde."
Cartoon cow with human hair and tie, comic text "Allow God to MOOOOve in your life."
Cartoon of a boy expressing interest in becoming a preacher, talking to a man holding a Bible, with a church in the background. Caption about career day.
Cartoon depicting two pastors with text highlighting contrasts. The left figure is a traditional small church pastor, wearing affordable clothing and holding a Bible, with a caption stating "Ministry was God’s calling." The right figure is a progressive mega-church pastor, dressed in expensive clothing, holding a smartphone, with a caption stating "Ministry was a career choice." Quotes from John 14:6 and Proverbs 8:11 accompany each pastor, comparing their values and approaches to ministry.

PROGRESSIVE -  deconstructing/destructing, emerging/submerging?, woke, egalitarian, feminized, big EVA, SJW churches.. - another gospel. These are preacher cartoons and moments that must be included in any ‘important’ collection of church cartoons.

Cartoon of a person labeled 'EVA' with a stern expression, wearing glasses, and holding a Bible and a pink purse labeled 'CT TGC.' Text bubbles say 'Don't make me come over there.' and 'I will bust you up!' Caption reads: 'DON'T MESS WITH BIG EVA! The powerful, wealthy preachers & ministries swaying churches by blurring biblical truths with woke rhetoric. A movement with great influence & little accountability.'
Cartoon of a woman dressed in green with a millstone around her neck, text "Abortion is SACRED and Life Affirming," "Does this MILLSTONE make me look FAT?," "Rev. Dr. Loise Lang, she/her/who/dat, author of 'A Farce Love'," and "THE FEMINIST/ACTIVIST 'HEAR ME ROAR' MILLSTONE Lk 17:2."
Cartoon preacher with motivational phrases like "BE-lieve you are enough" and "BE all that you can BE." Title: The Progressive BE-Attitudes Preacher.
Cartoon of a preacher holding a "Repent sinners! or die!" sign, with a large millstone labeled "Ephesians 2:8-9" around his neck. Text reads, 'Rev. Larry wearing his legalist millstone preaches a rule followers path to heaven. Light on grace and heavy on condemnation. Lk 17:2.'"
Cartoon of a man with text about donations, including "Mister Osteen's Neighborhood" and "Beautiful Day for a Donation." Features a "Donor Trolley" and musical notes.
Cartoon of a person and an ostrich with heads in the sand. Text criticizes avoiding social issues like BLM, abortion, greed, LGBTQ, and gender identity by focusing only on religious phrases. A church is in the background.
Cartoon featuring a chicken and turkey dressed as preachers at a podium labeled 'Poultry Pulpit.' Text includes 'A Deconstructing Dumb Cluck' and 'Garbled Gospel Gobbler.' The chicken represents preachers afraid to offend, while the turkey signifies those focused on prosperity gospel. Eggs and feathers are on the ground.
Cartoon image satirizing a gender-fluid LGBTQ+ affirming minister featuring exaggerated elements like a drag queen wig, rainbow priest robe, foam spirit fingers, evil eye earrings, and a millstone. Contains humorous commentary text.
Cartoon pastor holding a pulpit with text 'and may the Lord bless y’all ... real good!' and 'The Kentucky Benediction' at the bottom.
Cartoon shark and fish with humorous religious message about evangelism underwater.
Cartoon of a robot preacher with text bubbles, holding a sign, standing on wheels. It includes phrases like "Please put down your 'hands'... 20 seconds to comply" and "Stone him in the town square." The robot's directives are "Serve the church," "protect the innocent," and "uphold levitical law." The cartoon humorously attributes the robot's creation to a church custodian named Lester Hines using spare parts and an old PC.
Cartoon illustration of a bearded man with arms raised wearing a white robe and a clip-on tie, accompanied by text saying "Rejoice.. or not.. suit yourself." Below, text reads "One tell tale sign of a false messiah? ..clip on tie."
Cartoon of a man playing a game console with parodied Christian-themed video game titles like Call of Duty Spiritual Warfare Edition, A Mighty Fortressnite, Megachurch-opoly, Doom Hope, and The Sims Go To Church. Text reads "Die demon hordes... die!" and "(CROSS+BOX Video Games for preacher/gamers)."
Cartoon character wearing a shirt labeled "CHINOs: Christians in Name Only," surrounded by phrases such as "Everyone has their own truth," "Atonement is a four-letter word," "Jesus is one of many ways," and "The patriarch is a misogynist weapon wielded by white evangelicals." Text below explains CHINO as a pejorative for churchgoers with progressive views more aligned with the world than their faith.
Cartoon of a frazzled man wearing a millstone collar, holding snakes and a book with a cross. Text references Mark 16:18 and critiques snake handling preachers with Luke 17:2.
Cartoon character with cheesehead hat, featuring humorous text about sports rivalry between Packers and Vikings, referencing Matthew 6:24 with a Wisconsin twist.
Cartoon of Santa Claus as a preacher, wearing a white shirt and red tie, standing at a podium with a cross. Text mimics 'Santa Claus is Coming to Town' with a Christian twist. Caption humorously notes the speaker's familiarity at church.
Cartoon of Rev Lightyear preaching to space aliens with text "Go ye to infinity and beyond to preach the gospel to all nations... er, worlds."
Cartoon of a doctor holding clipboard and man with surprised expression holding a cup, discussing testing for preacher steroids, with humorous text about improving sermons.
Cartoon character labeled 'EVA' with tattoos and speech bubble saying 'Remember, always PUNCH RIGHT and PUNCH DOWN.' Text on image: 'BIG EVA shares mission statement.'
Cartoon of a worm wearing glasses and a tie speaking at a podium with musical notes around. Text reads: "Don't go changin' to try & please GOD... He loves you just the way you are," followed by a smaller text about Pastor 'Willie the Worm' using a Billy Joel tune and emphasizing a Bible verse, Ephesians 4:22-24.
Cartoon of a man with exaggerated facial expression, holding a Bible, with a large rock sealing his mouth labeled "Matthew 18:5-7". Text says, "I have a word from the Lord and it’s a doozy! Gather 'round and hear what the Lord hath spoke to me." Bottom text reads, "Brother Pete does not have a word...he has gas." Comic by - JLarsen.
Cartoon preacher at pulpit, text humorously mispronouncing words, with translation: "Are you sorry for your sins?"
Cartoon snowman wearing a top hat and robe, standing at a podium, giving a humorous sermon with a Bible verse and punchline. Titled 'The Back Pew - Jeff Larson' and captioned 'Frosty Sermonizes.'
Cartoon character holding a microphone, wearing a cross necklace, with text about false prophets and rap music.
Cartoon of a man with conflicting religious thoughts and a syringe
Cartoon of a preacher at EM Church with sarcastic message about cosmopolitan spirituality and Isaiah 55:8-9 reference.
Cartoon parody featuring a character resembling a famous televangelist. The text humorously encourages donations using phrases similar to a children's program. A 'donor trolley' is also depicted. The bottom text reads "Mr. Osteen's Neighborhood," with a message about God loving you when you give.
Cartoon depicting a wolf disguised as a shepherd, wearing a large millstone with Biblical references, standing behind a pulpit with text warning of wolves in church.