PALM SUNDAY Cartoons - The triumphant entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem. It is beautiful to remember that on the first Palm Sunday the crowds shouted HOSANNA, but it is sobering also to know that in just five short days the crowds shouted CRUCIFY HIM!
Today, Palm Sunday, is the Sunday before Easter, we celebrate Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem. It marks the beginning of Holy Week and is often observed with the blessing of palm branches during church services.
Of course, in the Back Pew, Palm Sunday Cartoons are shared to capture the events, and the significant players of that day using Clean Humor and God’s Truth. These include Palm Sunday cartoons from the process of selecting the donkey Jesus would ride through the streets of Jerusalem, Palm Sunday cartoons featuring the crowds shouting HOSANNA. Some of the crowd were visiting from way out of town, and there was also in the crowd the religious leaders who were not the least bit amused by the attention Jesus was receiving from the adoring crowd.
and there were rocks heard to cry out “HOSANNA” in celebration of Jesus in Jerusalem.
HOLY WEEK: Monday through Wednesday
HOLY WEEK: Last Supper and Gethsemane
HOLY WEEK: Good Friday
To think Jesus during the Palm Sunday celebration knows what the week holds for him.
Being fully God but fully man Jesus knew that he would be betrayed, his disciples would struggle, and that he would be arrested with false charges by the religious leaders, on trial before Pilate on Friday, then… crucified.
How many of those shouting Hosanna this fine Palm Sunday would join the crowd on the coming Friday to shout “Crucify Him.” ?Maybe not many, but maybe many as the heart of man is fickle.
But one week from this first Palm Sunday Jesus will rise from the grave that first Easter morning.