So Adam and Eve leave Eden and start a family with their two fine lads, Cain & Abel. The Bible does not tell us much about the boy's lives except that Cain tended the gardens, while Abel tended the animals. These both seemed like excellent career choices, as Silicon Valley technology opportunities were limited at this time.
All is fine and good livin' La-vi-la-Genesis until Cain and Able were to bring their gifts to the Lord. God accepted Abel’s gift but rejected Cain’s. Of course, Cain went on to defend his salad-sacrifice by debating the health risks of too much red meat.
But to no avail, as Cain's gift to God was rejected leading to the impulsive killing of his brother.
Next, God asks Cain, "What happened to your brother?" Of course, Cain replies with the infamous line, "Am I my brother's keeper?”
So a summary of society so far.
1. Adam and Eve disobey God and are ejected from the Garden. 2. Cain murders his brother Able and is banished to wander the Earth as a wanderer.
Looks like God's Creation is off to a rough start.
Now that's OLD! Genesis 5 I found a website listing the oldest people living today. I read of a lady who was 115, and another that was 125, and then some lady, I think from Peru, that was supposedly 140! There was a picture of this lady, and she looked every bit of 140.
So, segue back to Genesis 5, where People lived to be 800 or 900 years old
A few notable old-timers... Adam, 930 years old after God created him from dust on the 6th day Genesis 5:5. Seth was 912 Genesis 5:8, Noah lived 950 years, and the Long in the Tooth award winner was Methuselah.who was cut down in the prime of life at the age of 969 Genesis 5:25-27
Note: If I eat my veggies, drink milk, get 8 hours of sleep a night, and exercise daily maybe after a little over 900 more birthdays, I will have Methuselah beat. That will be in the year.. 2928, so I will mark my calendar. Note 2: If I live to be as old as Methuselah I will likely be a neighbor of George Jetson. Note 3: They say you are only as old as you feel, Well, I find this to be very little encouragement those days when feeling 'Genesis5esque' old. Maybe not Methuselah old, but at least somewhere in the mid 500s.
When to Start a Family?
It also needs to be noted not only were folks living to be very OLD, there was also a whole-lotta-begetting' goin' on. God’s command to “go forth and multiply" was the 'GOT MILK?' campaign of the day.
The other interesting pattern was how old people were still... um.. still.. ‘begetting.’.
It was not unheard of for couples to wait until their 70s to 500s before starting a family. I guess those first 500 years were spent paying off the mortgage(s), credit cards, and of course... student loans.
Maybe women in Genesis 5 wanted to first battle for equal rights during this time when the patriarchy reigned by establishing careers as a shepherdess, garden mogul, or working as a 'Mary Kay Cosmetics Specialist' before settling down and starting a family. I AM WOMAN HEAR ME ROAR!
Let me close these early chapters of Genesis with a few more images with a Back Pew perspective.
Lamech had two wives. Genesis 4:19, Enoch walked with God and was no more. Genesis 5:24, And the Nephilum. Hebrew word for Nephilum is “Fallen ones, and they were undoubtedly “fallin’” for the women of Earth – and God was not amused. Genesis 6:4
Methuselah, Enoch, Lamech and more
So, while it is difficult to grasp as I am 67.. a Methuselah-like age (969) is mind-boggling. But like so many things in the Bible, just because I don’t understand does not make it untrue.
Wove in these strange, for today, stories of 900+-year-old men is the evidence and promise of God’s personal love and grace from Genesis through Revelation for all men and women who follow Him. I am not hung up on stories of longevity, but instead cling to the promise and evidence of a loving God from the Garden, to the Flood, to the Cross, all the way through life today sitting in my Back Pew. God is so good.
NEXT STOP: Ge 6-11 Noah & Ark