ACTS Cartoons - Let the Church Begin! The Book of Acts, or Acts of the Apostles, is about the early Christian church’s birth and spread after Jesus’ resurrection. Written by Luke (same guy as the Gospel), it picks up where Luke 24 leaves off—Jesus ascends, and the Holy Spirit kicks things into gear. It’s a fast-paced story of how Christianity went from a Jewish sect in Jerusalem to a Gentile-inclusive movement across the Roman Empire. Covers roughly 30 years, from 33 AD to the early 60s.

Acts 1:8 sets the outline—Jesus tells the apostles, “You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” The book follows that geographic spread.

Chapters 1-7 are Jerusalem-focused: the Spirit hits at Pentecost (Acts 2), tongues of fire, 3,000 converts, and the church starts. Peter preaches that miracles happen, but tension with Jewish leaders grows—Stephen’s stoned (Acts 7).

Enter Stage Left.. SAUL, I mean PAUL
Chapters 8-12
shift outward. More Acts cartoons as persecution scatters believers to Judea and Samaria. Philip evangelizes, including an Ethiopian. Then Saul (later Paul) converts (Acts 9)—blinded on the Damascus road, flipped from persecutor to preacher. Peter gets a vision (Acts 10), opening the door to Gentiles—Cornelius, a Roman, gets saved, proving this isn’t just a Jewish thing.

Chapters 13-28 Acts cartoons of Paul’s missionary journeys—Antioch, Asia Minor, Greece, and eventually Rome. He plants churches, debates philosophers, and faces riots, shipwrecks, and jail. Key moments: preaching in Athens (Acts 17) and clashing with idol-makers in Ephesus (Acts 19). Ends with Paul under house arrest in Rome, still spreading the word.

The Holy Spirit’s power—driving courage, miracles, growth. Community—believers share everything (Acts 2:44-45). Conflict—inside (like Ananias and Sapphira lying, Acts 5) and outside (Roman and Jewish pushback). It’s practical, too—it shows how faith adapts, like settling Jew-Gentile disputes (Acts 15).

Acts is further proof of God’s plan for His church that didn’t stop with Jesus’ ascension.

My prayer is for the true Christian churches to shine their LIGHT around this world of darkness to offer the only hope for today and eternity