JACOB and his WIVES Cartoons - TWO for ONE Specials (Ge 29 - 33)
Everyone loves 2-for-1 specials. Here in Minnesota, we have Domino’s Pizza that had a 'Two For Tuesdays' special… So, 2 for 1, from my cultural perspective, is a good thing.
Next, in his travels, Jacob comes across the flocks of Laban. Laban is the grandson of Nahor.. and in my obscure Back Pew trivia mind. Laban may have been the son of either Uz or Buz from Genesis 22
This is where Jacob meets Laban’s beautiful daughter Rachel and falls so in love that he agrees to WORK 7 YEARS for the right to marry her.
Now, after these 7 years, Laban plans a great wedding feast, and that evening, Laban brings his daughter to Jacob for the WEDDING NIGHT. This 7-year work for a wife program is strange enough, but what puts this story over the top is when he wakes up in the morning... it was actually Leah, the older Plain Jane sister he had spent the night with.
GOOD MORNING!!.. HELLO, and what are you doing here? Ge 29:25
I guess it is like the tourist ad says so well... 'What happens in Northwest Mesopotamia... stays in Northwest Mesopotamia'. I think there may have been adult beverages (not coffee) involved for Jacob to not realize he married the wrong sister until the morning.
So Jacob screams, "WHAT THE... HARAN?" and tells Laban this is not what he signed up for, and heads for the customer service desk for a refund. But Laban compromises, and after a whole week of marriage ceremonies for Leah, Laban gives Rachel to Jacob as his wife in exchange for seven more years of labor. This goes down as The Biggest 2-for-1 Special since the loading of the animals on Noah’s Ark and, is much better than the local Domino's Pizza offer noted above.
I now pronounce you husband and wife1-and-wife2.
This all leads to Jacob’s family growing. He loved Rachel more than Leah, but Leah was the fertile myrtle of the two sisters and was popping out kids for Jacob. Reuben, Simeon, Levi, and Judah were all sons of Jacob and Leah.Ge:29:31-35
Now, Rachel was not one bit happy. She demands of Jacob... “Give Me Children, Or I will DIE!!” … and .. how does Jacob answer Rachel? Guys.. you know there is no safe answer. Does he say? “Yes, dear, I’m sorry.. I’ll try harder.” No .. he gets mad and more or less says.. “you see your sister over there popping out babies?.. well, do the math. THIS AIN'T MY FAULT!” Ge 30:1-2
So Rachel moves on to PLAN B, where she gives Jacob her servant Bilhah to have children with, and they have a son named Dan and Naphtali. Ge 30:4-7 Leah was now in a pregnancy-holding pattern and said, " YO, JAKE.. take my slave girl Zilpah and get busy. So she has sons named Gad and Asher. Ge 30:9-12 Before you know it, this scene looks like a crazy reality TV show. LET’S MAKE A BABY with your host, Monty Hall!
This is all strange enough, but the stakes are raised. Next, … there were... MANDRAKES (aka Hebrew Love Plants). So Rachel negotiates with her sister Leah in chapter 30. “Hey Leah, you can sleep with our ‘timeshare husband’ tonight in exchange for a few of those mandrakes your son Reuben found.” The deal is done, and Jacob, being ‘just a guy,’ is none the wiser and sleeps with Leah. Leah gets pregnant and has her son Issachar.. then again pregnant with Zebulun and a daughter named Dinah. Then, finally, Rachel is pregnant and has a son, which they call Joseph.
Ge 30:14-16
Hmmm, so I ponder... While I cannot say my life really resembles Jacob as I only have 1 wife and do not have a brother wanting me dead, I find a broader parallel to Jacob that does fit.
The story of Jacob is AGAIN the story of man. Like Jacob, we are good guys and gals, love our parents, and are good children. But also, like Jacob, I take shortcuts. We both have, at times, been... 'creative with the truth' and can be deceptive to get what we want.
Jacob took advantage of his brother, convincing Esau to trade his birthright for a bowl of soup.
He then deceives his dad into giving the blessing intended for his brother and then runs away in fear for his life.
Jacob marries THE WRONG SISTER, convinces himself it is a good idea to marry both Leah and Rachel, and proceeds to father many children from both wives and with a few of the servant girls.
If you are like me, reading about Jacob, you may really believe you are a good guy. But we all know better. The unfortunate way of man is one of compromise, impatience, and self-indulgence.
The Great News for Jacob and for each of us is God has a plan for each of us. God does not give up on us and is not surprised with our stumbles.
So Jacob decides it is time to BUST A MOVE, leave town, and return to his father's land. Jacob goes with all that is his, AND Rachel also stole an idol that was Laban's. Ge 31
Three days later, Laban learns of Jacob leaving at night AND notices the missing idol, so Laban takes off after him. Once they catch up to Jacob , there is a heated discussion of this secret departure AND the ‘missing idol.’
Jacob explains himself but denies taking the missing idol and declares if the idol is found, that person will be killed (Jacob was unaware of Rachel stealing it). So there is high drama in our Genesis Reality Show.
During the search, when they came to Rachel's tent, Rachel devised an ingenious plan. Telling her Dad, "I would prefer not to stand as I am having my period." You see, the idol is in the camel saddlebags she is sitting on. Laban agrees to not search the saddlebags, and the stolen idol remains a secret. Ge 31:32
In response, Jacob gets mad and lets Laban have it over his frustration regarding all his years of faithful service to Laban, and if God had not looked out for him during these years, HE WOULD HAVE NOTHING!... NOTHING!
So level heads prevail, and Jacob and Laban try and stay civil with each other and observe the treaty between them by setting up the old .. PILE OF ROCKS as a sign to remember their agreement. <pause> I guess this was instead of using a notary public.
O, brother, where art thou?
Now, after Jacob and Laban have completely parted ways, a reunion with his brother Esau is next on the calendar. The last time these brothers were together, Esau was furious at Jacob for fooling their dad Isaac into giving Jacob the 'blessing of the firstborn' intended for Esau. Well, Jacob was in fear for his life, believing his beloved brother Esau wanted revenge.
The night before Jacob has the reunion of a lifetime with estranged brother Esau, Jacob becomes the participant in the unofficial 'WRESTLEMANIA BC' main event. With an Un-sanctioned pro wrestling match with the Angel of God.
Like all pro wrestling matches, momentum switched back and forth when it looked like Jacob would win .. but then, wham bam.. the angel knocks Jacob's hip out of joint with a hidden foreign object (maybe a harp?) when it looked like the angel would get loose, Jacob grabs on to the Angel and would not let him go (perhaps it was a figure 4 leg lock) until he would BLESS JACOB. Ge 32:22-32
What is it with Jacob and blessings? First, he steals the blessing of the firstborn from Esau, and now, after grappling with this angel for this entire night, he demands another blessing.
Bro... Then, the next day, Jacob reunites with Esau, throws his arm around him, and hugs him. It was the reunion Jacob could not have envisioned and is another example (in my opinion) of the Grace of God being more significant than we could ever dream. Genesis 33
Thank you, God, for your perfect grace (Amazing Grace) that exceeds our every circumstance. It is the same grace given freely to Jacob so many years ago despite his glaring humanity, and this same grace is freely given to each of His children today as we face the challenges of our day.