Good Friday cartoons of the day Jesus was crucified for our sins. The Passion Story in our Bibles continues.

Good Friday is a holy day commemorating the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ. It is observed during Holy Week, the Friday before Easter Sunday. It is marked by worship services, prayer, fasting, and reflection on the significance of Jesus' sacrifice.

The Secret Trial on the night after Jesus was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane was marked by false witnesses before the religious leader brought accusations against Jesus. This secret arrest and trial in the night were purely political. It was held at night, which was against Jewish law that prohibited such proceedings at that time.

This trial was marked by irregularities, lacked proper legal procedures, and featured false witnesses against Jesus.

During this time also, Peter denies Jesus three times, and Judas Iscariot hangs himself.

Jesus before Pilate - Jesus was brought before Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor after being accused by the Jewish leaders of claiming to be the King of the Jews. Pilate questioned Jesus but found no basis for the charges, yet ultimately gave in to the crowd's demands and had him brutally whipped and then crucified while wearing a crown of thorns. At the base of the cross was the title King of the Jews.

Jesus Crucified - Jesus was crucified on a cross between two thieves after being brutally whipped. To think of Jesus, who had no sin, willingly died such a horrific, brutal death for our sins is incomprehensible.

But remember… It’s Friday, but Sunday is coming. Easter Sunday morning, Jesus is resurrected from the dead, and the Passion Story for the Salvation from our Sins is complete.