​REVELATION cartoons

John is exiled on the isle of Patmos. His crime was bearing witness to Jesus (Re 1:9). Somebody didn’t want John to spread this gospel message, Re 1:9), so they shipped him off to an island. He’s contained, like Gilligan, but different.

But now John has received even more news to share. ​It all starts when John hears a voice say, “Write in a book what you see and send it to the seven churches” (Re 1:11).

The seven churches in Revelation refer to the congregations addressed in chapters 2 and 3 were real churches in Asia Minor (modern-day Turkey), but many interpret them symbolically, also representing stages of church history, types of believers, or spiritual conditions. Each gets a tailored message from Christ, delivered via John, with praise, critique, and a call to action. Here’s a breakdown:

  1. Ephesus (Revelation 2:1-7)

    • Praise: Hardworking, patient, and intolerant of evil; they tested false apostles and held firm.

    • Critique: They’ve lost their "first love"—that initial zeal for Christ.

    • Call: Repent, return to their early passion, or their "lampstand" (church) will be removed.

    • Promise: Overcomers get to eat from the tree of life in paradise.

    • Vibe: The "orthodox but cold" church—doctrinally sound but emotionally distant.

    2. Smyrna (Revelation 2:8-11)

    • Praise: Faithful despite poverty and persecution from "those who say they are Jews and are not" (a synagogue of Satan).

    • Critique: None—they’re suffering well.

    • Call: Don’t fear more trials (prison, death); stay faithful even unto death.

    • Promise: The crown of life and escape from the "second death" (eternal judgment).

    • Vibe: The "persecuted but pure" church—small but resilient.

3. Pergamum (Revelation 2:12-17)

  • Praise: Loyal to Christ’s name, even where Satan’s throne is (possibly a nod to local paganism or Roman power).

  • Critique: Some hold to Balaam’s teaching (idolatry, immorality) and the Nicolaitans’ errors.

  • Call: Repent, or Christ will war against them with the sword of His mouth.

  • Promise: Hidden manna, a white stone, and a new name for overcomers.

  • Vibe: The "compromised" church—faithful but flirting with worldly corruption.

4. Thyatira (Revelation 2:18-29)

  • Praise: Growing in love, faith, service, and perseverance—better than before.

  • Critique: They tolerate "Jezebel," a false prophetess pushing sexual sin and idol worship.

  • Call: Hold fast to what’s good; judgment’s coming for the unrepentant.

  • Promise: Authority over nations and the morning star for those who overcome.

  • Vibe: The "tolerant but tainted" church—strong in works, weak on discipline.

5. Sardis (Revelation 3:1-6)

  • Praise: A few faithful folks remain undefiled.

  • Critique: They’ve got a reputation for being alive, but they’re mostly dead—spiritually asleep.

  • Call: Wake up, strengthen what’s left, or Christ will come like a thief.

  • Promise: The worthy will walk with Him in white, their names secure in the book of life.

  • Vibe: The "dead" church—looks good on the outside, hollow within.

6. Philadelphia (Revelation 3:7-13)

  • Praise: They’ve kept Christ’s word with little strength, enduring patiently despite opposition from the "synagogue of Satan."

  • Critique: None—they’re a model church.

  • Call: Hold on; they’ll be kept from the "hour of trial" coming on the world.

  • Promise: Made a pillar in God’s temple, with His name written on them.

  • Vibe: The "weak but winning" church—small but unstoppable.

7. Laodicea (Revelation 3:14-22)

  • Praise: None—they’re a mess.

  • Critique: Lukewarm, neither hot nor cold; self-satisfied, rich, but spiritually wretched, blind, and naked.

  • Call: Buy refined gold (faith), white clothes (righteousness), and eye salve (insight) from Christ; open the door to Him.

  • Promise: Sit with Christ on His throne if they overcome.

  • Vibe: The "lukewarm" church—complacent and clueless.

​​​THE THRONE IN HEAVEN (Rev 4) , Holy is the Lord God Almighty

THE SCROLL OF THE LAMB (Rev 5), The opening of the Seven Seals

​THE SEALS (Rev 6)
, The Four Horses and their Riders
Seal 1, The White Horse, Rev 6:1-2 (Conqueror), Seal 2, The Red Horse, Rev 6:3-4 (War), Seal 3, The Black Horse, Rev 6:5-6 (Famine), ​Seal 4, The Pale Horse. Rev 6:7-8 (Death & Hades)

Seal 5, The Souls of the Slain cry out. Rev 6:9-11

Seal 6, A great earthquake, sun turns black, moon is blood red. (Rev 6:12-17) The Great Day of Wrath has come, who can withstand it?

THE 144,0000 SEALED (REV 7)
The 144,000 from Israel , 12,000 from each of the 12 tribes. (Rev 7:4-8)

The Great Multitude in White Robes (Rev 7:9-17)

New Heaven and New Earth, the Lake of Fire Rev 21

Seal 7 (REV 8)

(1) First Trumpet

(2) Second Trumpet

 (6)The four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates who had been kept ready for this very hour & day & month, & year were released to kill a third of mankind. Rev 9:13-16

The Angel and the Little Scroll (eat it)  Rev 10

The Two Witnesses Rev 11

The Woman and the Dragon Rev 12

The False Prophet, the Antichrist, the Mark of the Beast 666 Rev 13

1,000 years, the judgment of Satan, the judgment of the dead Rev 20


(3) A great star(wormwood), blazing like a torch, fell from the sky on 1/3 of the rivers & on the springs of water. 1/3 of the waters turned bitter, & many people died from the waters that had become bitter. Rev 8:10-11

(4) 1/3 of the sun was struck, 1/3 of the moon, and 1/3 of the stars, so that 1/3 of them turned dark. 1/3 of the day was without light, & also 1/3 of the night. Rev 8:12

Big Picture: These letters frame Christ as the one who "walks among the lampstands" (churches), knowing their deeds. The issues—apathy, heresy, persecution—tie into Revelation’s broader themes of endurance before the end times, where the Antichrist and other figures emerge later (chapters 13-19). Some see these churches as literal (then), prophetic (church ages), or timeless (every believer’s struggles). Either way, they’re a wake-up call to stay sharp, with the Antichrist looming as a future threat in the narrative.