John is an exile on the isle of Patmos. His crime was bearing witness to Jesus (Re 1:9). Somebody didn’t want John to spread this gospel message, Re 1:9) so they shipped him off to an island. He’s contained.
But now John has received even more news to share.
It all starts when John hears a voice: “Write in a book what you see and send it to the seven churches (Re 1:11).”
THE CHURCH AGE (REV 2:1- 3:22) (The Seven Churches)
1. Ephesus 2:1-7
2. Smyrna 2:8-11
3. Pergamum 2:12-17
4. Thyatira 2:18-29
5. Sardis 3:1-6
6. Philadelphia 3:7-13
7. Laodicea 3:14-22 (lukewarm)
RAPTURE - Jesus Comes for the Church 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
THE THRONE IN HEAVEN (Rev 4) , Holy is the Lord God Almighty
THE SCROLL OF THE LAMB (Rev 5), The opening of the Seven Seals
THE SEALS (Rev 6), The Four Horses and their Riders
Seal 1, The White Horse, Rev 6:1-2 (Conqueror), Seal 2, The Red Horse, Rev 6:3-4 (War), Seal 3, The Black Horse, Rev 6:5-6 (Famine), Seal 4, The Pale Horse. Rev 6:7-8 (Death & Hades)
Seal 5, The Souls of the Slain cry out. Rev 6:9-11
Seal 6, A great earthquake, sun turns black, moon is blood red. (Rev 6:12-17) The Great Day of Wrath has come, who can withstand it?
THE 144,0000 SEALED (REV 7)
The 144,000 from Israel , 12,000 from each of the 12 tribes. (Rev 7:4-8)
The Great Multitude in White Robes (Rev 7:9-17)
New Heaven and New Earth, the Lake of Fire Rev 21
Seal 7 (REV 8)
(1) First Trumpet
(2) Second Trumpet
(6)The four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates who had been kept ready for this very hour & day & month, & year were released to kill a third of mankind. Rev 9:13-16
The Angel and the Little Scroll (eat it) Rev 10
The Two Witnesses Rev 11
The Woman and the Dragon Rev 12
The False Prophet, the Antichrist, the Mark of the Beast 666 Rev 13
1,000 years, the judgment of Satan, the judgment of the dead Rev 20
(3) A great star(wormwood), blazing like a torch, fell from the sky on 1/3 of the rivers & on the springs of water. 1/3 of the waters turned bitter, & many people died from the waters that had become bitter. Rev 8:10-11
(4) 1/3 of the sun was struck, 1/3 of the moon, and 1/3 of the stars, so that 1/3 of them turned dark. 1/3 of the day was without light, & also 1/3 of the night. Rev 8:12