Hi-ho, hi-ho, it's off to church. We go.

Put down that Sunday Paper, and you kids in the back seat SIT STILL, CUZ WE ARE GOING TO CHURCH!

and drive with both hands on the wheel, warning to you, praising the Lord, while wired on 5 cups of coffee.

Be careful what you say to the Mrs. on the ride. Honesty without an ability to filter out ‘dumb comments’… well, you have been warned.

and attend church for the right reasons. To worship the one true God, do not reduce it to a social club to listen to peppy worship music followed by a sermon-ette TED talk.

TECHNOLOGY in the Church has opened opportunities for sharing, preaching, and praying. In fact, the future with VR and AI and other 2-letter acronyms are the future… maybe 

Misc. Church Banter is alive and well, where some handle snakes and stones or argue with a 2x4 sticking out their eyes while complaining about the specs in the eyes of others.

SMALL GROUPS in the Back Pew are important though not always as spiritual as they could be.

Let me share a few JANITORIAL CARTOONS, as those who maintain the church do more than just clean. Here in The Back Pew, our staff has contributed to an impressive robotics project, and there was an important archaeological dig of sorts where church history documents were discovered by the water cooler and soon named The Dead Mouse Scrolls.


WOMEN’S Ministries - and hey, you guys are not fooling anyone.

WELCOME, WELCOME... after a handshake from the designated greeters, have a cup of Joe with Joe in the Fellowship Center Of course once you enter Church there must be coffee, It does not have to be good coffee as traditional church coffee is ‘boiled’ in a large aluminum drum and while is symbolic of fellowship it tastes like something less.

SIT DOWN, PULL UP A PEW… and get comfy, but turn your cellphone off. God is not amused by your ringtones during an altar call.
CHURCH cartoons (mega or itty-bitty) Here’s the church, here’s the steeple, open the door and see all the church PEEPS.
Your church may be traditional with the men in suits and ties, while the women look lovely in a dress…. or your church may be more casual/contemporary, where jeans and an open collar shirt are fine… actually, you can wear a t-shirt and shorts if this is comfortable. The most important thing is to be in church with those wanting to worship our God as the Body of Christ.

Maybe the unspoken rule could be like the signs you see in some restaurants and/or stores. No shoes, no shirt, no service. Well, at least the no shoes/shirts sign idea could become a new Back Pew cartoon, and that is what I live for.

Now when I said get comfy, I realize some may peaceful slumber. No judgements here, I once had the goal of sleeping in a church in all 50 states. I would have accomplished this if I traveled more. While no judgments here regarding sleeping in church, there are some churches I have been told use shock collars on repeat offenders.

CHURCH cartoons on serving. Guilt and Ministry Pride I have found to be time honored motivators. Don’t fix what’s not broken, right?

Beware the Signs of 'PROGRESSIVE' Christianity Seek the approval of God, not man. Do not change, or redact God’s Word or compromise your walk with God for convenience, power, or fame. Speak the Gospel Truth Always!