LET MY PEOPLE GO! Exodus 5-14

Hi Ho Hi Ho, it's off to EGYPT we go...  Exodus 4:18
So Moses, after cleaning off his feet... is obedient and goes to Egypt, tells the leaders of Israel God's plan to deliver them from slavery, and then goes off to see Pharaoh.

Pharaoh is neither amused nor impressed by Moses' demands to release his Jewish slave workforce. So Moses shows signs from God that are genuinely supernatural versus the low-budget sorcery of Pharaoh's magicians who should have stuck to pulling rabbits out of hats. 

 In response to Moses' initial attempts to free his people, Pharaoh ups the demands on his Jewish slaves. They must now make more bricks without straying. 

In response to Pharaoh's Bad Attitude... God sent plagues to Egypt

After each plague, Pharaoh would agree to release the Jewish people but then would change his mind as God hardened his heart, so in the end, there was no question this was the very Hand of God.

The Final Plague was the death of all the firstborn children in Egypt.

BUT... this death curse was 'passed over' all the Jews who were obedient to God's command through Moses to put blood on the doorframes of their homes.
​The result of this night of death in Egypt was Pharaoh now insisting Moses and the whole blessed (ironically truly blessed) people of Israel to leave as he uttered the words...


Of course, Pharaoh's hard heart hardens again, and he sends 600 chariots in HOT PURSUIT of the recently freed nation of Israel... all the way to (insert drum roll here) THE RED SEAEx 14:5-9

Caught between the Red Sea and a Hard-hearted Pharaoh was the nation of Israel on the run with no place to go. So, the people cry out collectively to Moses.

EX 14:10-12  

​In response, Moses prayed to God to deliver His people. God parts the Red Sea using Moses and his shepherd staff and a conduit displaying the very power of God. Ex 14:21

Note: The same God who parted the Red Sea answers our prayers today.  

Of course, once they had crossed, the chariots of Egypt were on their way in hot pursuit until Moses lowered his staff, and the walls of water came crashing down on them, and all of Pharaoh's men perished. Ex 14:23-28

and finally, a few PARTING shots… PARTING toons