CAR cartoons, DRIVING cartoons

The 'Roadside' 10 Commandments
1. Thou shalt display Road Grace not road RAGE
2. Thou shalt deliver thy children on that time-honored drive to CHURCH every Sunday
3. Thou shalt NOT raise BOTH hands when DUI of God's Spirit
4. Thou shalt not HONK, tailgate, or nudge in rush hour traffic
5. Thou shalt keep both EYES on the Road figuratively not literally

6. There shalt be PRAYER IN THY SCHOOLS as long as there is drivers education
7. Thou shalt drive with caution on snow covered WINTER ROADS
8. Thou shalt not be a BACK SEAT DRIVER when your teen has their learners permit
9.  Thou shalt beware of THE SENIOR DRIVER (which I am )
10. The road to Heaven is narrow, but the road to Hell is a ROUTE 666 Autobahn like expressway. (note to self.. STAY OFF THIS EXPRESSWAY.. to Hell)

Here are a few more driver suggestions not street legal for the Autobahn.